Do you feel throbbing pain around your tooth or severe toothache when chewing or biting? Have you experienced severe, sharp pain that radiates to your neck, ear, or jawbone? If you have experienced any of these, then you might be experiencing the symptoms of a Periapical Abscess. Below, your Florence SC General Dentist discusses symptoms and treatment.
Periapical Abscess, or also called Tooth Abscess, is a tooth infection that occurs inside the tooth caused by a bacterial infection. A periapical abscess is usually caused by an untreated dental cavity, a tooth injury, or prior dental work. This usually shows up at the tip of the tooth’s root, and then it spreads to the surrounding bone. A periapical abscess is often painful and causes discomfort, but sometimes, the infection causes a little to no pain. In either case, you should see a dentist. If the infection is not treated, it can damage the surrounding bone and teeth and cause severe tooth damage.
While it’s necessary to see a dentist to have your periapical abscess be checked and treated properly, you can also use home remedies to prevent your dental abscess from getting worse. If you can see or feel swelling in your gum area, rinse your mouth several times a day with a mild water-salt solution. This will help draw the pus out and relieve the pressure. Use ½ teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of lukewarm water.
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Following good oral hygiene can reduce the risk of developing tooth abscess infection. The above tips can help you relieve the symptoms of your tooth abscess temporarily, but you should always seek help from your dentist.